How to Manage AutoPay and VCPay Wallet
1. Log in to your Parent Portal Account using the below URL:
2. To the right of the screen, locate and click the GREEN button for My VCPay Account.
3. Along the top of the page, depending on which one you want, select the proper tab for either Manager AutoPay or VCPay Wallet.
Manage AuotPay:
VCPay Wallet:
You can either link a credit card account or set up a new Bank Account. Click the button for which account you want to set up or if you want to create one for each.
4. Enter your credit card or bank account information (depending on which one you selected) and click Save Account.
If you have any questions about setting either up, or if you would like to unenroll from AutoPay, please contact Kimberly Stubbs, Manager of Student Accounts Receivable at 412-968-3132 or [email protected].